Add These Charms To A Teacher’s Charm Bracelet

Many jewelry stores have large selections of charms that you can buy individually and attach to a charm necklace or a charm bracelet. It can be fun to put together a charm bracelet for yourself, but this piece of jewelry can also be a good gift for someone you know. A teacher may enjoy wearing a charm bracelet, so whether you and your children are looking for a gift for one of their teachers or you have a teacher in your family whose birthday is approaching, think about buying a charm bracelet for her. Here are some appropriate charms to include. 


You won't likely have trouble finding a charm in the shape of a pencil, and this can be a good choice for a teacher's charm bracelet. This may especially be true for a teacher who teaches younger grades, where pencils are the norm instead of pens or laptop computers.


Traditionally, an apple has always had a close association with teaching. The image of an apple sitting on the corner of a teacher's desk is common in literature, movies, and TV shows. You can likely find an apple charm to add to the charm bracelet for the teacher. It may be in a silver or gold hue, or it may be red to give the bracelet a splash of color.


See if you can find a schoolhouse charm for the charm bracelet. While schools today have a variety of designs, schoolhouse charms are often modeled after the image of a traditional schoolhouse — typically, a small structure with a peaked roof.


Another option to look for when you're shopping for teacher-appropriate charms in a charm featuring a stack of books. This type of charm is relevant to virtually every teacher. Sometimes, you might find individual books with wording on their covers. If so, choosing wording that relates to one of the teacher's subjects can be a good idea.


Letters of the alphabet are a popular choice for charm bracelets. Many people add small letter charms to spell their names or their children's names, for example. When you're shopping for a teacher, look for letters that match the school's acronym. For example, if the teacher works at Lincoln Elementary School, choose "L," "E," and "S" charms.

Coffee Cup

Today, many teachers sip coffee throughout the day to stay energized for their students. A coffee cup-shaped charm can thus be a good idea, especially if you know the teacher to be a serious coffee enthusiast.
