Restaurant Owner Water Filtration 101

In a time when more people than ever are following their passions, you may have decided that this is the ideal time to start that restaurant or cafe that you have always dreamed about. Going into business for yourself in the food service business can be an exciting venture. If you want to give your new food service business the best possible chance from the start, you should consider installing a water filtration system for the building. Here's a look at some of the things that you should know about water filtration for your commercial kitchen.

What Does A Water Filtration System Do?

Water filtration systems are designed much like the filter pitchers or faucet filters you may use at home, but on a larger scale. They are designed to remove chemicals, mineral deposits, and other impurities from the water before it reaches your taps or your kitchen equipment. The result is water that is crisp and clean-tasting, free of any odd odors or flavors that could result from the impurities that have been filtered out.

Do You Really Need A Water Filtration System?

You might have heard that water filtration systems are only really necessary if you have well water. The natural mineral deposits and contaminants in the ground can cause that water to have an odd flavor otherwise. As a result, you might think that you don't really need to have a water filtration system for your commercial kitchen if you are on the municipal water supply.

The fact is that municipal water systems treat the water with a variety of chemicals to disinfect it and ensure that it is clean and safe for drinking. Sometimes, those chemicals can leave residual flavors or odors in the water. That can directly affect many of the things that are produced in your kitchen, all the way down to the ice in your drinks.

What Benefits Do You Get From A Water Filtration System?

Now that you understand why it's important to consider a water filtration system for your business, you should also understand the benefits such a system will have for your food service business.

Since water is the sole component in ice, any water that has a strong chemical or mineral taste or odor is going to create ice that smells or tastes the same way. This will alter the flavor and smell of the ice you put in customer drinks, which can be an unpleasant experience. Those flavors and odors can also be transferred to things you cook in that water or even the coffee made with it.

Additionally, mineral content in the water can result in deposits inside your water-consuming kitchen equipment. This will increase your maintenance costs when those water pipes and tubes become blocked, and it may increase your equipment costs if you have to replace that equipment sooner due to the mineral deposits.

Talk with a local water filtration company today for more information.
